Aug 18, 2014 | Estate Planning, Probate
If it is your goal to avoid probate and you’ve set up a Revocable Living Trust, congratulations! You’re definitely on the right track. But…you’re only half way there. Many believe because they took the time to create a Trust, their estate will...
Aug 7, 2014 | Estate Planning, Probate
Probate can be easily avoided, but most estates are dragged through the process. Why? Many people fail to create an estate plan, so probate is required. And – others plan with just a Will, so probate is required. In Montana, the probate process is fairly...
May 27, 2014 | Estate Planning, Probate
Surprising to most people, the federal estate tax is a voluntary tax. Estate planning attorneys used to say, ‘You only pay if you don’t plan.’ Now, portability provides both an alternative and a back up plan to lifetime tax planning. This means you...
Nov 5, 2013 | Estate Planning, Probate
It will probably cost more initially to set up a well-drafted living trust than to have a will prepared. A true cost comparison should include not only the expense to establish the will or trust, but also what it will cost should you become incapacitated and after you...