(406) 586-8565 | blf@bryanlawpc.com
11 East Main St., Suites B & D, Bozeman, MT 59715
(406) 586-8565

11 East Main St., Suites B & D,
Bozeman, MT 59715

Due to a high demand for our estate planning services, please note that new clients may experience delayed bookings. We appreciate your understanding.

Estate Planning for Dual Citizens

In early 2020, married actors Tom Hanks and Rita Wilson became honorary citizens of Greece.  The president of Greece bestowed this honor upon them due in large part to their humanitarian work in the country after a deadly wildfire swept through Athens in 2018. Hanks...

Invaluable Personal Property and your Estate Plan

When most people think of estate planning, they think of assets that include money, real estate, and personal property. But, included in someone’s estate could be invaluable personal property, such as family heirlooms or keepsakes. This type of property should not be...

How is a Corporate Trustee Different?

In its simplest terms, a trust is a legal arrangement in which a trustee holds and manages assets for the benefit of one or more beneficiaries. The trustee owns the assets, enters into contracts on behalf of the trust, manages the trust’s investments as its trustee,...

Tips for Receiving an Inheritance

If you recently received an inheritance, or are expecting to receive one in the near future, it has likely triggered mixed emotions in you. You have lost a loved one and also experienced monetary gain. Studies show that a third of Americans who received an inheritance...

Choosing a Guardian and Trustee for Minor Child

If you have overheard any discussion about estate planning, you have likely heard the words “guardian” or “trustee” tossed around in the conversation. When it comes to estate planning, who will be ultimately in charge of your minor child is an important decision that...
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