Apr 23, 2013 | Estate Planning
Which is Better for Me a Will or a Trust: Planning Issue Will Trust Limited Cash Flow X Younger clients X Older Clients X X Limited assets, including life insurance X IRA, 401K 403b or other large qualified retirement plans X Difficulty of Probate in Montana (informal...
Apr 17, 2013 | Uncategorized
Many people who come into my office and the first question they ask is if a Trust is better than a Will. Below is a handout I sometimes share with the client. Is this important to you Here is what happens with a Will Here is what happens with a Trust Privacy Will...
Apr 7, 2013 | Estate Planning
Every parent wants to make sure their children are provided for in the event something happens to them while the children are still minors. Grandparents, aunts, uncles and other relatives often want to leave some of their assets to young children, too. But good...
Apr 1, 2013 | Business Planning, Estate Planning
In 1998, Alaska enacted a state statute that allowed for non-Alaska residents use a trust to elect community property status for their non-Alaskan property. Thus, Montanan’s can have their real property (i.e. homes and ranches located in MT) and their personal...